
“If commercial agriculture (with its bulldozers, mono-crops, fences, pesticides, and herbicides) is rape of the Earth, and if standard organic gardening is consensual sex with the Earth, then permaculture is ecstatic tantric union with the Earth.”–Mary DeDanan

Permaculture is the practice of applying observed information of nature’s patterns towards harmonizing people within their environment.  It is in this practice of cultivating an observant witness perspective that science and meditation meet.

As an aspect of global consciousness evolution, it is necessary for us to respond to the needs of the planet and to our future generations. It is evident that the modern lifestyle focused on competitive materialism is unsustainable. By moving toward a more simple way of life, we can recreate a harmonious existence with the earth.

Permaculture philosophy, as put forth by Bill Mollison, founder of the permaculture movement, is the principle of cooperation rather than competition. Ethically, permaculture is concerned with caring for the earth, caring for people, and sharing resources.

As a visitor or volunteer at InanItah, there is opportunity to see many examples of earth care permaculture principles in action, including: plant guilds, agro-forestry, mulching, composting, renewable energy systems, edible landscaping, interplanting, and zone design. At InanItah our permaculture practice extends beyond earth care. We also support the permaculture ethics of caring for people and sharing resources by practicing massage, healthy eating, consensus process, sharing circles, waste reduction, and supporting local community projects here in Nicaragua.  We offer workshops in Permaculture Design Certification.

InanItah’s next Permaculture Design Certification is scheduled for late August 2019. 

If you’re looking for something sooner, consider joining our freinds at Bonafide, here on Ometepe for their world class Permaculture Design Course and epic agro-forestry demonastration!