Tuesday, December 31st, 2024

Water Season with Paul

February 15th 2024 – August 15th 2024

Dear friends, this is an invitation from our hearts to yours to join us during the upcoming Water Season at InanItah.


This element is connected with healing, softness, femininity, life and joy. 

Not only that,  water has the power to clean, nourish, rejuvenate, helping us to let go and wash away what we no longer need and to be freshly re-born. 

Our intention for this season is to create a loving and flowing safe space where you can feel at home and are supported to dive deep into personal and community state of consciousness and freedom which comes from it.

Allow yourself to connect to your inner waters, expand, relax and enjoy this beautiful welcoming environment. Experience how it feels to be connected with the family tribe and the nature, holding hands in daily circle. Celebrate with your heart, your body, your mind and your soul. Be who you are!

During the water season we will swim into daily meditations, various styles of yoga, sharing circles, different types of Tantric practices as well as weekly emotional release Biodynamic Breathwork sessions, Cacao Ceremonies, Transparency Circles, Ecstatic Dance and much more:

Permaculture and gardening are two of our strong pillars. Connect to the grounding Earth, touch and feel the soil on your hands. 

Rise to the air like a bird in partner acroyoga, swing at aerial silks and find true balance at a slackline.

Enjoy preparation and eating of truly delicious vegetarian and vegan foods harvested mostly from our community gardens. 

If you want to experience the unforgettable,  become a part of the community as a Volunteer or as a Visitor.

For this Water Season we also have an exciting list of upcoming events and workshops where you certainly make life long friendships through sharing yourself in intimately and safely created spaces:


Voice and Soul Awakening with Jule and Dom (28feb -2mar)


Unlock your potential with Marcia (14-17 mar)

Tantric Awakening (21-24 mar)

Aquanitah Gathering (29-31 mar)


Honest Communication (11-13. apr)

Women’s moon medicine (18-21 apr)

Tantric Awakening   (25-28 apr)

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